The Secret of the Light (Kinkade, Thomas)

Category: Books,Religion & Spirituality,Worship & Devotion

The Secret of the Light (Kinkade, Thomas) Details

Thomas Kinkade is legendary for his delectable use of light in his works. The cover showcases a new painting, "The Garden of Grace," which invites the reader to stroll up the flower-lined path, step through the garden gate, and explore the light beyond.Dr. David Jeremiah brings his insights into Luke 11:33-36, which begins "No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light." Among the facets to be explored are the Light of Creation, the Light of Christ's Coming, the Light of Conviction, the Light of Conversion, and the Light of Consecration.


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