Giorgio De Chirico - Dünyanin Gizemi / Giorgio de Chirico - The Enigma of the World
Category: Books
Giorgio De Chirico - Dünyanin Gizemi / Giorgio de Chirico - The Enigma of the World Details
Giorgio de Chirico, birbiri ardina siralanan avangard akimlarla zenginlesmis 20. yuzyilin en sira disi figurlerinden biridir. Konudan cok farkli form ve ifade bicimlerinin on plana ciktigi bu zengin donemde, de Chirico cagdaslarindan farkli bir yaklasimla gelistirdigi yepyeni konulari resmin odagina tasidigi ozgun metafizik bir evren yaratti. 1910-1918 arasinda urettigi ve surrealistlere de esin kaynagi olan ilk metafizik eserlerinin ardindan I. Dunya Savasi sonrasinda degisen dinamiklerle farkli arayislara yoneldi; Antik Yunan ve Roma sanatina ilgi duydu, eski ustalarin yapitlarini yeniden yorumladi. 80 yasina geldiginde tekrar metafizik resme yoneldi; sanat yasamini bu alanda yeni gelistirdigi konular ve ilk donemine kiyasla daha aydinlik bir paletle boyadigi tuvalleri ile tamamladi. De Chirico'nun sanatsal seruvenine ve kurucusu oldugu metafizik sanat olgusuna odaklanan kapsamli makaleler ve sanatcinin yazilarini iceren sergi katalogu en erken tarihli eserlerinden son yapitlarina kadar cesitli donemlerinden ornekleri iceriyor. Giorgio de Chirico is one of the most extraordinary figures of the 20thcentury, a period marked by consecutive avant-garde movements. During this rich period that brought to fore different forms and modes of expression rather than themes in painting, de Chirico, as distinct from his contemporaries, created a unique metaphysical universe in which he carried the fresh themes he developed and carried to the center of his painting. Following the first metaphysical works he produced between 1910 and 1918, which also served as a source of inspiration for the Surrealists, he gravitated towards a different search with the changing dynamics of the post-World War I period. He was interested in ancient Greek and Roman art and re-interpreted the works of Old masters. He revisited metaphysical painting when he turned 80. He completed his artistic career with the new themes he developed in this area and the canvases he painted with lighter colours comp Read more