Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers Notebook (Journal, Diary)
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Other Media
Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers Notebook (Journal, Diary) Details
The painting of the sunflowers on the cover is one of two paintings that Vincent van Gogh painted dating from August and September 1888. This is what he wrote about the painting to his brother in the month of August of 1888: 'I am hard at it, painting with the enthusiasm of a Marseillais eating bouillabaisse, which won't surprise you when you know that what I'm at is the painting of some sunflowers. If I carry out this idea there will be a dozen panels. So the whole thing will be a symphony in blue and yellow. I am working at it every morning from sunrise on, for the flowers fade so quickly. I am now on the fourth picture of sunflowers. This fourth one is a bunch of 14 flowers, it gives a singular effect.' Van Gogh painted an imitation of the Sunflowers in the January of 1889. It is thought that he produced another one in the same year. This Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers journal/diary/notebook is sized at 5 x 8 inches wide. Upper half of the 150 pages have wide ruled lines while bottom half are blank - perfect as a diary, notebook, scrapbook or journal. You will find some of his interesting quotes in between the pages. Cover: Repetition of the 4th version (yellow background), August 1889, Amsterdam.